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Fact-Checking Policy

At, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in our news reporting. Our Fact-Checking Policy is designed to ensure that our audience receives information that is thoroughly researched, verified, and free from misinformation. We commit to the following principles:

a) Accuracy and Investigation:

We are committed to publishing accurate information across all our content. Our team investigates claims with skepticism, questions assumptions, and challenges conventional wisdom.

b) Due Accuracy:

We strive to achieve due accuracy in all our output, considering the subject and nature of the content. The term ‘due’ implies accuracy that is adequate and appropriate, explicitly addressing any constraints that may influence expectations.

c) Sourcing and Corroboration:

All our content, as appropriate to its nature, is well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We aim to be honest about what we don’t know, avoiding unfounded speculation.

d) Plagiarism and Distortion:

Our journalists never deliberately plagiarize or distort facts or context, including visual information knowingly.

e) Independent Verification:

We seek independent verification from sources, especially for claims, information, or allegations made by public officials or individuals with agendas. Unverified content is attributed accordingly.

f) Accountability and Corrections:

We stand by the accuracy of the information we publish. If proven otherwise, we promptly correct the news item. We do not knowingly mislead our audiences and acknowledge serious factual errors transparently.

g) Public Reporting of Inaccuracies:

We provide a fair opportunity for the public to report any inaccuracies or errors through the ‘Report an Error’ section, available at the end of every web story.

h) Editorial Review and Fact-Checking Structure:

Our journalists’ primary responsibility is reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. Stories undergo review by one or more editors, with the level of seniority varying based on factors such as complexity and sensitivity.

Correction Policies:

While we strive for accuracy, we acknowledge that errors may occur. To ensure transparency and excellence, the following steps are outlined:


If you spot an error, contact our editor-in-chief at with the subject line “Correction Needed.” Include the correction, issue date or number, where the error was seen, your name, and contact information.

Once made aware of an error, our editor-in-chief will investigate using provided information and relevant sources. If an error is confirmed, corrections will be made in the following ways:


The article will be corrected with an editor’s note at the bottom explaining the correction.


If posted on social media, a post linking to the corrected article will be made, noting the correction.


For corrections received via email or mail, the correction will be addressed in subsequent issues or online updates.

We appreciate your commitment to ensuring the accuracy of our content and strive to maintain the trust you place in


Prashant Tiwari

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